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4041 Park Ave.
Minneapolis, Mn 55407

(612) 418-4663


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  The 2007 - 2008 Theatre Season

3 Parts Dead
by Alan Berks in collaboration with The Burning House Group
October 11 - 28, 2007
Minneapolis Theatre Garage

BHG is excited to bring an original piece to Twin Cities audiences. Local playwright Alan Berks pens this fantastic/phantasmagoric look at "fear itself". At once frightening and funny, 3 Parts Dead visits the place that scares everyone the most..."the unknown".

A tale told through the exhilarating, physical style that BHG is famous for, 3 Parts Dead will thrill and chill you to the bone.


Alice in Wonderland
by Andre Gregory and The Manhattan Project
February 14 - March 2, 2008
Minneapolis Theatre Garage

This free-wheeling version of Lewis Carroll’s classic is an ensemble theatre collaboration that explores the dark and giddy shadows of the human psyche. An evening of terror, truth and fun, "Alice is an exemplary instance of how a classic can be made 'new,' and one of the extremely rare instances of a book's being turned into a wholly satisfactory theatrical experience." (T.E. Kalem)

When BHG brings Alice to the stage, brace yourself for an evening of mad laughter and flying bodies.


The Comedy of Errors
by William Shakespeare
June 5 - 22, 2008
Minneapolis Theatre Garage

BHG brings its penchant and prowess for physical comedy to Shakespeare’s zaniest play. Verbal wit and madcap slapstick are on the menu in this play about mistaken identity that brings everyone to the brink of hysteria. Underneath the comic exterior of the play lie questions about the roots of identity and what brings us to the edge of madness.


All Burning House Group productions
will be performed at:

the Minneapolis Theatre Garage
711 W. Franklin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55405