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Contact BHG:

4041 Park Ave.
Minneapolis, Mn 55407

(612) 418-4663


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  • 3 Parts Dead : October 11 - 28, 2007
  • Alice in Wonderland : February 14 - March 2, 2008
  • The Comedy of Errors : June 5 - 22, 2008

Performance time for all productions:

  • Thurs - Sat: 8 p.m. / Sun: 3 p.m.

Season Tickets:

  • $40 per person for all three shows
  • Click here to find out more >> season tickets


  • $18 regular / $16 seniors / $10 students
  • $2 off with Fringe Buttons
  • Groups of 15 or more: $16 ea.

For Season Tickets & Individual Reservations:

  • Call 612-623-9396
  All Burning House Group productions
will be performed at:

Minneapolis Theatre Garage
711 W. Franklin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55405